Board of Adjustments

The Board of Adjustments is comprised of 7 appointed Members; 5 regular and 2 alternate members.  The regular member's terms are staggered, with 2 members holding 3 year terms, 2 members holding 2 year terms, and 1 member holding a 1 year term.  The Board does not adhere to a regular meeting schedule, but must comply with the Public Meetings Laws as specified by the North Carolina General Statute.

The current members are:

Joe Valinoti, Chairman
Term expires 6/2025

Doug Carmichael, Vice Chairman
Term expires 6/2025

Bill Marlowe

Term expires 6/2027

Chris Moffat
Term expires 6/2025

Craig Welling
Term expires 6/2027

Alternate Members:

Ann Marie Rost

Term expires 6/2025